California Approved Water Softeners

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Are Water Softeners Banned in California?

Many households in California suffer from hard water and this has many detrimental effects, including limescale that clogs up pipes and appliances, soap and detergent that won’t lather and wash effectively, an unpleasant taste and hair and skin that are adversely affected, especially for those with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The answer has been to install a water softener in California but this is not without its problems.

Over the last twenty years or so, there have been increasing water softener regulations in California that have restricted what can be done. These have left many homeowners in a quandary because they’re uncertain about what is not allowed and what is a California-approved water softener.

Why are Water Softeners Banned in California?

Older water softener systems use a process of ion exchange. These run the water through a tank containing resin beads and salt where the magnesium and calcium that cause the water to be hard are exchanged with the salt so the water is softer.

The problem with this process is that it produces a lot of waste water, up to 150 gallons per week for a typical home. This water contains sodium chloride molecules and is flushed away into the drainage system so it can end up polluting sewers and groundwater. Many waste water treatment facilities do not have the ability to remove the sodium chloride and so this remains in the water.

The waste water can get into rivers, streams and aquifers, resulting in damage to water supplies and the environment, with many aquatic species now under threat as a result. It can also have serious consequences for agriculture since water containing sodium that’s used for irrigation can cause extensive damage to crop yields.

In 2001, Texas banned potassium or sodium-based water softeners and California followed soon after in 2005 when it allowed communities to do the same. This was backed up by heavy fines for towns and cities that failed to meet environmental discharge standards. Over the years since then, dozens of communities have banned the use of potassium or sodium-based water softeners. In favour of Californian water filtration systems.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee


Twin & Multi-Tank Systems




Highest Flow Rates


World's Most Efficient Softener


10 Year Warranty

Are there any California Approved Water Softeners?

Although water softeners that use salt are banned in many parts of California, those that are salt-free will generally be legal to use. We can supply many types of these systems, in a variety of sizes and capacities, so are almost certain to have one to meet your needs.

As an alternative, a Kinetico whole house water filtration system will also significantly improve the quality of your water. This type of system removes a variety of impurities from your water, including harmful pesticides and other chemicals that include magnesium and calcium. These leave your water tasting and smelling better, and nothing is added to the water so there can be no harm to the environment.

For purer and softer water that’s good for your health and makes your food and drinks taste much better, get in touch now. We’ll install a system that will provide all the available benefits as well as ensure you comply fully with state regulations and don’t harm the environment.

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